cant wait!!!cant wait!!!!cant wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 posts for the next 4 days r going to be more or less bout me ranting bout my studies. but i promise my blog is gonna be very very happening-interesting AFTER my finals!!!!!!cuz im gonna do lotsa lotsa stuffs and im not goin 2 go near my desk for da next 3 months!!!!!!
my nerding for bio is pretty much screwed since i wuz no where near concentrating yesterday.i DID finish my CELL like wat? an hour?without concentrating summore.u guys can go predict urself how much actually stay put in my edi half-dead braincells.

my tedious notes.
and while studying yesterday,i wuz craving for klender bueno(i dunno how u spell it) and dark chocs like a bloody pregnant woman!!!!!it sucks when u are on a stupid dieting plan!!!!imagine how suffering it is for me to grab da oh-so-tempting dark choc and bueno and takin so MUCH determination and self control before i throw d damn chocs back into da damn fridge!!!!i can see da bueno and dark chocs GRINNING and SEDUCING me,urging me 2 grab them and hv a damn bite!!!!man,i hate dis!!!!! its so damnnnn freeeeaaaakkkiiinnggggg hard for a choc-lover to resist d damn temptation thanx 2 my uber low metabolic rate.ok.fine,im not that determined after all.i did take a small bite of cravings were reli reli reli reli strong.god noes i took a small bite.its reli a small bite.i swear.thou i need to drown my sorrows over my miserable math paper,but wat serena said wuz freakin tru too.
*yes.u drown ur sorrows now and distress.u will be more stress later when u put on weight.* case u ppl dunno,im damn damn paronoid over my over-weightness ,horrizontally challenged body and my over-grown prevent myself from turning back into a bulemic due 2 da guilt of eating and lower down my already-f**king-low metabolic rate,i restrict myself from eating more den 1 small lil piece.ended up i stuff myself wit lipton tea.

a cup of tea,hoping that my pregnant-woman cravings can be reduced.
*ling and su,i am stil using da beckham mug u guys gave me in form2!!!*
thou i cant wait til finals is over,but thr's sumthn which i dread after finals.
which means i cant reli enjoy my hols like a princess.
i still NEED 2 do dishes,hang clothes,mop floors,sweep floors.fold clothes.
dammit!!!!!da fun will be halved wit all dis stupid chores!!!!
i hate it.why cant da agent juz get my new maid here A.S.A.P!!!!
so that i can enjoy my hols till da FULLEST without needing to do all dis chores which will ruin my lovely hand.
i know i sound like a bloody-spoilt-bimbo-bitch.
but cant help it.i seriously despise chores!!!!wonder how m i gonna survive WITHOUT maid when im in aussie land.well.that's sumthn which i need to worry later.
apart from that,my mum has been constantly complainin that i DIDNT do enuf hsework.
arghhh!!!im STIL hvin my finals.i dun hv so much time.
heehee.finals can be quite a good excuse sumtimes. *grinning evilly*
however,i stil cant runaway from da nagging bout how untidy/messy my table is.
but for christ's sake,nobody keeps their table neat and tidy during their exam period.especially FINALS.
or atleast those who reli bury their head in da mountain high books and of course tidy-freaks are exceptional.

its not THAT untidy rite?
well,i can assure u that i WILL tidy up my desk,book shelves rite after finals without u askin.i LURVE CLEARING MY BOOKS!!!i actually enjoyed clearing my books last year after spm.its so entertaining.clearing away ur nightmares.muahahaha....and da day is coming soon........
da main reason why i couldnt concentrate while studying is cuz i m starting to plan bout wat to do after noverber 15th!!!!
~prom shopping to get my accessories and heels.
~ make up and stylist 'shopping'
~hang out wit my beloved,darlings.
~go for d2y camp meeting which i have been MIA for ages.
~shopping spree!!!!!
~persuade my parents to allow me to work( i desperately NEED $$$$$$)
~losing weight
~bali trip with kayi and uwen
~christmas in langkawi
~hopefully able 2 plan an outing wit kempas-ian.i miss you ppl.
~shoopping again
~watch ALL my shows jac has burnt for me (thanks so much dear and sorry for all d inconvenience)
~learn how to cook.
~shopping again
~shopping (i wan guess bag,adidas sneakers,more accessories!!!)
~get a job (i so wan d sony camera!!!and i think its hard to get my dad to get for me)
~sue apple for giving me chapalang batt for my ipod which cant even last for 10 hours when its written thr 14 hours.
~go out
~rebond my frizzy-lion-looking hair.
~chop my hair off.its too long edi.
think that;s all for now.
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