Monday, June 04, 2007

its not even "the time of the month",and i am PMSing and feeling full cranky and shit.
unbelievable & unnecessary cravings is back again.
im feeling so cranky now,god knows why,and tired.
my cravings for chocs out of no where is doing me no good.
holy shit,no exercise,overdose caffeine,cravings for chocs 24/7 + exam stress.
u tell me,what is it gonna be?
i cant freaking jog around my hse,as i have mentioned a gazillion times,
how on earth do u want me to jog in the cold,i know it makes me feel better and shit,but it seems pretty impossible for me to wake up at 630 in the morning and start jogging.
firstly,its gonna freeze the shit outta me.
secondly,i need my sleep desperately.
thirdly,its SO HARD 2 get me out of the house with such weather.

im currently looking for a place to move out.which means,more $$$$$ is needed.
and,with the SHITEST pay ever,i can barely afford my cost of living THANKS TO NSW STATE GOVERNMENT WHO DOESNT GIVE FREAKING CONCESSION TO INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS,which ticket cost half of my pay.
but since i am gonna live near uni,i saved on transport,but i still need travel 10 to go city and shit.same old story.
how am i gonna fork out more $$$$$ to pay for gym fees?
heaps cut.
seriously speaking,i DO miss the gym in amansuria,despite the fact that they have the shittest equipments ever(dont get me wrong,shittest here means lack of equipment!!)
my mum just told me how MUCH weight have i put on.
and,i feel like throwing up after satisfying my temporary cravings just now.

seriously,i have no idea why am i feeling so cranky AND sleepy when i had like 8 hours of sleep last night and also i had like half an hour nap on the bus.
is it really due to my un-circulated blood in my body due to lack of exercise which causes all this shit.
dang.i feel like an unhealthy,obese,overweight old lady.
and i can do jack shit about it at the moment.
cut down on if i dunno.
u need them when u are super duper triple stressed,something which im undergoing now.
im trying not to swear,but i really feel like it!!!!

its freeeezinggggg cold now!!!!
plus bloated stomach!!!
and heavy eyelids,u tell me how now?


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