Thursday, November 08, 2007


my energy level has been declining day after day this week.
i just feel lethargic all day despite having 7 hours of rest.
i am always feeling physically exhausted and couldnt even bring myself to exercise.
its so annoying as it just makes me feel energy-less,probably its due to my improper diet.
i aint dieting,its just that i am too lazy to cook these days,and i live on biscuits or fruit salad for dinner,bagel for lunch,which obviously i am lack of protein.
ham and cheese sandwich and also tuna salad has been a daily meal much for me for the past few months weeks,and it would be miracle if i were to say that i aint sick of it!
the smell of tuna is enough to make me feel nauseous.
I.CANT.WAIT.TO.GET.HOME and feed myself with ALL the awesome food which i missed for the past 9 months!!!!!


a friend of mine recommended V ( an energy drink) to me which APPARENTLY boost your energy level and that you can concentrate well after drinking it.

compare V with coffee,i still prefer the latter.


and guess what?i fell asleep an hour after drinking V when my energy level was supposed to be at the
that shows how weak my current energy level
hopefully,i am able to lose some weight which i seriously doubt so.

looking nerdy this days with my glasses on 'cause sometimes i am just too cbf to put my contacts on.

taking a lil' break from studying is ESSENTIAL!

been spending most of my time in the library this days,when i said most i aint exaggerating.
leave for the library after breakkie and only come home around midnight,sleep and the same old routine again.
such a lifeless freak i know,but i have no choice,considering the fact that library is such a conducive place and the only place where i could glue my ass to the chair with the longets concentration life span.
1 more week till i am free,but my first battle begins tomorrow.
confidence interval for the mean of my confidence level of ace-ing my finals:
[ 50.0 , yet-to-be-known-tonight ]

QMB freak much? i think so too,stats overloaded.

was studying with jady at the heffron building yesterday (aka australian school of business)
now,we have a cool building like the law students too =) or maybe cooler.
all the rooms were already taken when i was there*which makes me wonder did they actually arrive @ uni around 8 to start studying*
managed to get a lecture theater though.

look so professional?

check this pluck point out,its SO COOL!!!
you pull it out from your desk when you need it so that it saves space when you dont?

my lunch and dinner on tuesday and dinner yesterday and breakkie today.
in case you guys are wondering,i made 4 tupperwares of fruits salad it was YUMMY.i love fruits!

am supposed to be heading to uni now,however its raining outside and its making me feeling reluctant to even get off my chair!!!
btw,i just realised something,weather has never been good ( ie gay) during my exam time.
i have shitloads of laundry to be done,but due to the limitation of sunlight,it is currently unavailable.

this post is totally random,and i post it up for you TIMMY,to provide you with some entertainment as a token of appreciation for copying those TOTALLY-AWESOME-FANTABULOUS-PRISON BREAK for me!!!!

time to practice more QMB.



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